Tuesday, January 13, 2009

£99 Netbook That Fits In Your Handbag

Here's another pink netbook that will hit the market soon. According to Mail Online, Elonex, a small British computer manufacturer, will be releasing a new netbook model called the websurfer which cost only £99 this February.

"Forget lipsticks, purses and glittery key rings. Laptops could soon be the latest must-have in every girl’s handbag.

Elonex, a small British computer maker, will start selling its £99 ‘netbooks’ - part of a new generation of small and cheap laptops from February.

The move is in an attempt to win over a new generation of female shoppers by making laptop computers that are small enough to fit into a handbag.

The screens are just seven inches wide, the keyboard is slightly smaller than a normal laptop keyboard.

The memory is very limited, however the new net books offer internet surfing, emailing, word processing, storing photographs."

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