Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Second Gen Vivienne Tam Netbook - No Pink But Still Attractive

The second generation of Vivienne Tam netbook is here! Instead of pink peonies, the netbook is designed with a huge butterfly with golden brown background. No pink, but still appealing to women who are high on fashion.

Second Gen Vivienne Tam Netbook
"The new digital clutch design embodies the inspiration for my entire spring collection," said Tam. "When women around the globe carry HP’s digital clutch and wear my clothes, I want them to feel independent and free, like butterflies."

The default components of this netbook will be a 1.6GHz Intel Atom processor (N270), 1GB of RAM, 60GBs of hard drive storage, the Windows XP Home operating system, and a three-cell battery.

The Second Gen Vivienne Tam netbook should hit the streets in next Spring. More photos of this netbook is available on Chip Chick.

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